Rita Palanikumar – of indian and norwegian origin – studied photography at Ecole supérieure d’arts appliqués in Vevey. She works for the leading magazines in Switzerland and abroad as well as for national and international corporate companies. In Rita Palanikumars work one senses her passion for authentic material, sensitive light and aesthetic design. Her pictures therefore narrate in-depth and thoughtful stories concerning true-life moments, fascinating people and incredible places.
Her work has been awarded several times and shown in various galeries and museums in Switzerland and abroad.
She is founding and board member of photographer‘s agency 13 Photo.
Rita Palanikumar Photography
Hofackerstrasse 13
8032 Zürich Switzerland
mobile: +41 79 236 13 30 mail@palanikumar.ch
represented by / editorial booking + archives: www.13photo.chclients (selected)
- Bucherer
- Bundesamt für Gleichstellung
- Crafft
- Designbook
- GFA Gruppe für Architektur GmbH
- Hästens
- HI Schweiz AG
- HWZ Hochschule für Wirtschaft Zürich
- Interio
- Liegenschaftenverwaltung Stadt Zürich
- Micasa
- Migros
- Noord
- Partner&Partner
- Pfister
- Schauspielhaus Zürich
- SGGK Architekten
- Swisscom
- STEZ Stadtentwicklung Stadt Zürich
- Terre des Hommes
- Theo Jakob
- Thurgauer Kantonalbank
- Thut AG
- Universität Luzern
- Vitra
- Winterthur Versicherung
magazines (selected)
- Archithese
- Annabelle
- Bilanz
- Collezioni Edge
- Das Magazin
- Der Spiegel
- Die Zeit
- Donna
- Elle Decoration
- Financial Times HTSI
- German Vogue
- Hochparterre
- Ideales Heim
- Living at Home
- Lufthansa Magazin
- Modulør
- NZZ Folio
- NZZ am Sonntag
- Republik
- Telegraph Magazine
- The weekender
- Transhelvetica
© copyright 2015 Rita Palanikumar
The copyright for the photographs and other images displayed on the
palanikumar.ch website are protected under swiss and international
copyright laws. No image may be reproduced in any form or stored
without the preliminary written permission of Rita Palanikumar.